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A.B. Van Halsema
Certified Mineral-Nutritional Balancing Practitioner
Certified Gluten & Autoimmune Practitioner
Wahls Protocol Certified Health Practitioner
Mineral-Nutritional Balancing Science
“It is the relationship between the minerals in your body that will determine how much energy you will have.”
- Dr. Paul Eck, Researcher and Founder of NBS
What is Mineral-Nutritional Balancing?
Learn about the principles behind this effective path to health and well-being!
How is Mineral-Nutritional Balancing done?
Read about the nine essential components of the Mineral-Nutritional Balancing program.
Start your personalized Mineral-Nutritional Balancing program
Get started with your personalized Mineral-Nutritional Balancing program today!
Mineral-Nutritional Balancing is a means to reduce stress. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prescribe for any condition or disease. A. B. Van Halsema is fully certified in Mineral-Nutritional Balancing and in gluten-related autoimmune disorders. She is a nutritional therapist and functional medicine health coach. She is not licensed to diagnose, treat, or prescribe medication for disease.
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